Custard Ingredients:
- 4 cups of milk
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of corn flour (Semolina)
- 6 eggs
- 1/2 a tsp of vanilla powder
- 1/4 lb of unsalted butter

Custard in Fillo Pastry – Galaktoboureko
Syrup Ingredients:
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tbsp of lemon Juice
- 2 cloves
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Lemon peel
- 1/2 lb of fillo pastry
- A small baking pan about 10x 12 inch
Preparation and baking of Galaktoboureko:
- In a pot, pour the milk, sugar, butter, vanilla powder.
- Bring to boil and slowly add corn flour (stirring at all times) until it thickens.
- After the mixture thickens take it off the heat.
- Separate eggs and beat the white until meringue and then add the beaten yolks.
- With an egg beater or a mixer blend slowly the beaten eggs with the rest of the mixture.
- Put aside until you prepare the pan with fillo pastry.
- Butter your baking pan and spread one fillo at a time.
- Butter every fillo you spread on the bottom and the sides of your pan.
- After spreading half of your fillo pastry pour the custard and spread evenly in your pan.
- Any fillo left on the side of the pan fold over custard.
- Add the rest of your fillo pastry on top of your custard one at a time and buttered.
- Bake for about an hour at 350 degrees or until golden brown.
- After Galaktoboureko is baked remove from oven and let it cool.
- Place all syrup ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to boil.
- Boil for about 10 minutes until it becomes thin syrup.
- Assuming your Galaktobourko is cold pour the hot syrup over it and let it being absorbed and cool.
- After the syrup is absorbed by your Galaktoboureko, cut in diamond shapes and serve.