– This is a Cypriot dish which is made mostly in the country side where people raise their own animals for their own use.
– It is mostly made in the fall and it is preserved and eaten over the cold winter days.
– It is country wide known and used in almost every Cypriot house and restaurants as an appetizer accompanied with some home made wine or Zivania (home made drink).

– It is made from different parts of the pig especially from the head, feed and ears.
– In some parts of the country people like to use some other parts of a pig plus some vegetables in Zalatina.
– In order to make some Zalatina you need a whole, half or part of a pigs head, (According to the quantity you want to make), some pigs feet, ears and any other part of the pig preferred.
– Wash well and place all the meat in a large casseroll with some pepper corns and salt.
– Boil until meat is separating from the bones.
– Remove casseroll from heat, strain the juice in another clean casseroll, add white vinegar salt and pepper to taste.
– For every three cups of juice you add one cup of vinegar.
– Debone the meat, cut in medium pieces and place in deep glass Pyrex containers or clay containers.
– Pour mixed juice over the meat until is covered.
– Add some rosemary and some hot red peppers if preferred.
– Let it cool, cover your containers and store in the refrigerator.
– Zalatina can be kept for a long time.
– To serve, remove the white fat from the top, place Zalatina in a dish with the jelly and cut in small pieces.