- 1¼ kilo fresh green Walnuts
- 1¼ kilo sugar
- 3 glasses of water
- 3 sachets of vanilla
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- Few blanched almonds (optional)

Picked Walnuts in Syrup
- Use the tenderest ones you can find, the older they are the harder they tend to be. They are best picked when they just come out.
- Wash the walnuts and put into a large saucepan with plenty of water.
- (We normally peel them after washing but this recipe does not do that. It is best to peel the thin outer skin but it’s up to you. If you don’t the walnuts may be tough.)
- Boil till soft.
- Remove from the saucepan and put into a large bowl of cold water.
- Leave in the water for 48 hours, changing the water every 8 hours.
- Put the 3 glasses of water and the sugar together in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 8 minutes.
- Strain the walnuts and insert a half almond.
- Put the walnuts into the syrup and boil for 5-7 minutes.
- Take the saucepan off the heat and put to one side for 24 hours. The walnuts need to stay in the saucepan to cool for 24 hours. At no time should you put the lid on the saucepan.
- Put the saucepan back on to boil and boil rapidly, when it is ready (the syrup thickens) add the lemon juice and vanilla boil for a little and remove from the heat.
- Allow to cool in the saucepan then bottle in the normal way.