Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Tabaahaja Byzantine recipe

Serves four. This recipe, from the manuscript of Yahya ibn Khalid al-Barmaki, makes striking use of murri,the indigenous Middle Eastern barley “soy sauce.” Most dishes flavored with murri were vinegary, but this is the exception, being quite sweet. The result is surprisingly reminiscent of a Chinese “red-stewed” meat dish. The name comes from the Persian word for […]


Recipes for the famous skordalia (garlic sauce), which accompanies fried fish, can be found here. Also the avgolemono (egg and lemon sauce) recipe is included. Avgolemono accompanies many greek dishes. Aromatic olive oil with herbs (Arwmatiko elaiolado) Bechamel (Saltsa bechamel) Egg and Lemon Sauce (Avgolemono) Garlic Sauce (Skordalia) Garlic sauce (2) (skordalia) Garlic sauce from Cephallonia (Skordalia Kefalonias) Garlic-and-Potato Sauce from […]