Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Arakas me Patates: Dilled Peas with Potatoes

In Greek: αρακάς με πατάτες, pronounced ah-rah-KAS meh pah-TAH-tes Peas with dill are a fabulous taste combination, and this recipe adds potatoes and a touch of lemon for a light main dish or vegetable side. Fresh peas can be substituted for the frozen, but not canned. Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 large bunch of […]

Lemon oil dressing (Ladolemono)

INGREDIENTS 1 cup olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice Salt Pepper METHOD Mix all the ingredients. Can be also refridgerated for late use. NOTES This dressing is usually used on any kind of vegetable, especially on boiled courgettes, potatoes, carrots. It is also commonly used on grilled fish. Greek : Λαδολέμονο Serves / Yields : […]

Garlicky Fish Stew from Corfu

BIANCO Makes 4 to 6 servings Another Corfiote fish recipe with an Italian-sounding name. Bianco is pungent with garlic and is called “white” because it is made without tomatoes. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 medium onions, halved and thinly sliced 8 to 10 garlic cloves, to taste, chopped 6 to 8 […]

Garlic Sauce from Corfu

AYIATHA TIS KERKYRAS Another take on the pan-Mediterranean garlic sauce that accompanies fried fish and boiled vegetables. But Corfu’s version of ayiatha, as it is pronounced in the local dialect, calls for bread and almonds, as opposed to potatoes, as the base. Vinegar makes this garlic sauce slightly harsher in flavor than those that call for lemon juice. Locals tend to […]

Garlic-and-Potato Sauce from Cephalonia

ALIATHA TIS KEFALONIAS This is nothing more than the island’s own skordalia, the pungent dipping sauce made with potatoes and lots of garlic. Two things define the Cephalonian version: Aliatha is always made with potatoes and always with fish broth, preferably made from cod bones. It has a strong, acidic flavor since Greeks are not shy about using either garlic or […]

What Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs Are in Season Now?

Question: What Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs Are in Season Now? Traditional Greek cooking is based on what’s in season at the moment. Meals are often planned at the last minute, depending on what looks irresistible at the market! So what’s in season now? Answer:In today’s world of refrigeration and hothouse-grown produce, the distinction among seasonal produce […]